Progetto di inglese Keep in Touch Plus

A flight to London



Welcome to the fantastic city of London: Enjoy your trip!

Appena arrivati a Londra siamo stati accolti dalle note dell’Inno nazionale inglese God Save the Queen suonate dalla nostra compagna Bianca.

Accompagnati da guide 'speciali' abbiamo iniziato il nostro trip.

Abbiamo potuto  visitare tutti i monumenti più importanti.

This is the Big Ben. It’s a big tower with a clock. You can hear the toll of the bell from everywhere in London. Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the palace of Westminster. The Big Ben has become one the most important symbol of the United Kingdom.

Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen. When we see the royal flag flying, we Know that the queen is at home. Every morning at half past eleven the ceremony of the changing of the Guard takes place at the gates of the palace.

Queen’s guards wear a smart uniform : red coat, black trousers and a tall black hat.

The Tower Bridge opens up in the middle when big boats sail up the river Thames. It is close to the Tower of London from which it takes its name and its one of the symbols of London.


Westminster Abbey is a Gothic Church close to the Palace of Westminster. It is an important religious building. Since William the Conqueror in 1066, all coronations of Kings and Queens take place here.


These are the crown jewels: they are in the Tower of London. The Tower of London was used as residence, then as a prison and now it is a museum. The ghosts of famous men and women walk into the Tower! The Guardians of the Tower, who are called Beefeaters, still wear a colourful Tudor uniform.

The London Eye is a giant ferris wheel beside the river Thames. The London Eye is the Europe’s biggest ferris wheel and has more than 3 million  visitors every year!

 Madame Tussaud’s waxworks museum is a museum where you can find the wax statues of famous people such as Queen Elizabeth, Madonna, The Beatles ...


Thanks a lot to our parents for helping us to realize this important project.

Thanks to:

Paola ( control tower)

Claudia, Khjra, Simona, Giovanna, (turistic guides)

 Alessandra (Hostess)

Elena (cabine attendant)

Marco (pilot)

Gianfranco (Police officer)

Federica and Serena  (artists)